Asiatiske specialiteter

Sake, Baijiu, Shochu, Umeshu og meget mere...

3S - Super Shochu Spirits => CHOYA UMESHU CO. => Eimverk Distillery => Kikunosato Brewery => False => False => Island => Japan => Kina => Korea => Taiwan => False => Absint => Agave => Alkoholfri Spiritus => Alkoholfri Vin => American Whiskey => Aperitif => Aquavit => Armagnac => Arrack => Asiatisk Brændevin => Baijiu => Bitter => Brandy => Brandy de Jerez => Brændevin - Diverse => Bush Rum => Bøger => Cachaca => Calvados => Canadian Whisky => Champagne => Champagnesabel => Cider => Cocktailpakke => Cognac => Cola => Dessertvin => Druer => Eau de vie => Frugtvin => Genever => Gin => Glas => Gløgg => Læskedrik => Grappa => Hvidvin => Madeira => Kirsebær => Kirsebærvin => Marc og Fine => Likør => Marsala => Mjød => Mezcal => Montilla-Moriles => Mousserende vin => Rom - Spiced Rum => Rosevin => Orangevin => Ouzo => Rødvin => Pastis => Pisco => Portvin => Sherry => Pre-mixed cocktail => Shochu => RTD => Shots => Raicilla => Raki => Sirup => Sambuca => Risvin og Sake => Smagekasse => Rom => Soju => Rom - Rhum Agricole => Sotol => Snaps og Akvavit => Spiritus => Whiskey - USA => Spiritus Drik => Søde Vine => Tequila => Whisky - Blended => Tilbehør => Tonic => Umeshu => Whisky - Blended Malt => Vermouth => Whisky - Grain => Vodka => Whisky - Single Malt => Young Rye => Whiskey - Bourbon => ikke whisky => Whiskey - Irland => Whiskey - Poitin => Whiskey - Pot Still Irish => Whiskey - Rye =>
Error executing template "Designs/juuls/ecom/productlist/partials/item.cshtml"
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_74ec785f7811469cae48fa09353888e0.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\twodayco3\\Files\Templates\Designs\juuls\ecom\productlist\partials\item.cshtml:line 40
at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits ViewModelTemplate< EspressoProduct > 2 @using System.Drawing 3 @using System.Globalization 4 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models 5 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Ecommerce 6 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Elements 7 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Handlebars 8 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Settings 9 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Services 10 @using Co3.Juuls.Frontend.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce 11 @using Co3.Juuls.Website.Frontend.Helpers 12 @using Co3.Juuls.Website.Frontend.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce 13 @using Co3.Juuls.Website.Frontend.Services 14 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce 15 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common 16 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.CustomerExperienceCenter.Favorites 17 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Discounts 18 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products 19 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Stocks 20 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 21 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering 22 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 23 @using EspressoProduct = Co3.Juuls.Website.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.JuulsProduct 24 @using ShopType = Co3.Juuls.Website.Frontend.Helpers.ShopType 25 @using StockService = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Stocks.StockService 26 27 @{ 28 string quantityDiscountText = Model.QuantityDiscountText; 29 ShopType siteContext = SiteContext.CurrentSiteContext(); 30 31 EspressoPrice priceSavedAmount = JuulsDiscountService.Instance.GetSavedAmount(Model.Discount, Model.Price); 32 EspressoPrice priceWhenDiscounted = JuulsDiscountService.Instance.GetDiscountCalculated(Model.Discount, Model.Price); 33 34 bool hasB2cAmoutnDiscount = Model.Discount != null && Model.Discount.ProductQuantity > 1; 35 36 CultureInfo currencyCulture = new CultureInfo( Context.Currency.CultureInfo ); 37 string ga4Price = Double.Parse(Model.Price.Value.ToString(), NumberStyles.Currency, currencyCulture).ToString("f", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 38 } 39 40 <div class="bg-white mb-2 w-100 py-2 e-block-link e-productlist-item js-e-block-link js-e-productlist-item js-e-productlist-item-@Model.Id" data-product-id="@Model.Id" data-variant-id="@Model.VariantId" data-product-name="@Model.Name" data-product-number="@Model.Number" data-product-price="@ga4Price" data-currency="@Context.Currency.Code" data-product-category="@Model.PrimaryGroup.ParentGroups.FirstOrDefault().Name" data-product-category2="@Model.PrimaryGroup.Name" data-product-list-name="@Model.PrimaryGroup.Name - @JuulsProductService.Instance.GetProductFieldValue( Product.GetProductById( Model.Id ),"NavWineRegion")"> 41 42 <div class="e-productlist-item-container position-relative"> 43 <div class="e-productlist-item-image-container"> 44 45 <a class="e-productlist-item-image-wrapper" href="@Model.Link"> 46 <img class="e-productlist-item-image" src="@($"{Model.ImagePrimary.Small}&filename={Model.Number}-{Model.Name.Trim().Replace(" ","-")}.jpg")" alt="@Model.Name - @Model.ProductType" title="@Model.Name - @Model.ProductType"> 47 </a> 48 </div> 49 50 <div class="juuls-product-badges-wrapper"> 51 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView("ecom/product/partials/awards.cshtml", Model) 52 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView("ecom/product/partials/part-discount-badge.cshtml", Model) 53 </div> 54 55 56 <div class="e-productlist-item-text-container small px-2"> 57 <span class="e-productlist-item-text-container-header"> 58 <h3 class="e-productlist-item-name mb-1"> 59 <a href="@Model.Link">@Model.Name</a> 60 </h3> 61 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView("ecom/product/partials/add-to-favorites.cshtml", Model) 62 63 </span> 64 @if (SiteContext.CurrentSiteContext() != ShopType.B2B) 65 { 66 if (Model.HasBeforePrice) 67 { 68 <p class="juuls-before-price-block small m-0 mb-2 px-1 d-flex justify-content-between"> 69 <span class="text-success"> 70 @Translate("eCom - Product - Discount - Saved - Text", "Spar") @Model.SavedAmount.Formatted 71 </span> 72 <span class="mr-1 text-dark"> 73 @Translate("eCom - Product - Discount - Before Price - Text", "Før pris") @Model.BeforePrice.Formatted 74 </span> 75 </p> 76 } 77 else if (hasB2cAmoutnDiscount) 78 { 79 <p class="juuls-before-price-block small m-0 mb-2 px-1 d-flex justify-content-between"> 80 <span class="mr-1"> 81 Spar @priceSavedAmount.Format() 82 </span> 83 <a href="@Model.Link" class="e-product-price text-dark mb-0 mt-0"> 84 @Model.Price.Formatted <span>v/ 1 stk.</span> 85 </a> 86 </p> 87 } 88 } 89 else 90 { 91 if (Model.SalesDiscount != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.SalesDiscount.CampaignName) == false) 92 { 93 <p class="mb-2 juuls-before-price-block small m-0 d-flex justify-content-center"> 94 @Model.SalesDiscount.CampaignName 95 </p> 96 } 97 } 98 99 <div class="d-flex flex-wrap flex-column flex-md-row flex-md-nowrap"> 100 <div class="d-flex flex-column text-left mb-md-1"> 101 <div> 102 @Model.RenderDisplayGroup("Frontend_Topinfo") 103 </div> 104 <div class="d-flex align-items-center flex-wrap"> 105106 @if (Model.Stock.Quantity > 0) 107 { 108 if (Model.Stock.State != null) 109 { 110 <span class="@(Model.Stock.State.Contains("Få på lager") || Model.Stock.State.Contains("Ukendt tilgængelighed") ? "bg-warning" : "bg-success") product-stock-status">&nbsp;</span> 111 @Model.Stock.State 112 } 113 } 114115 </div> 116 </div> 117118 <div class="d-flex flex-column ml-md-auto"> 119 <p class="e-productlist-item-text mb-0 text-md-right justify-content-between"> 120 <span class="e-productlist-item-price"> 121122 @if (siteContext == ShopType.B2B) 123 { 124 EspressoPrice userDiscountedPrice = JuulsProductService.Instance.GetUserDiscountedPrice(Model); 125126 if (Model.SalesDiscount == null && userDiscountedPrice.Value > 0) 127 { 128 <span class="mb-1 d-flex justify-content-between"> 129 <span class="mr-1 text-line-through small text-muted"> 130 @Translate("eCom - Product - Discount - Before Price - Text", "Før pris") @Model.Price.Formatted 131 </span> 132 </span> 133 <a href="@Model.Link" class="e-product-price h3 mb-0 mt-0"> 134 @userDiscountedPrice.Formatted 135 </a> 136137 } 138 else 139 { 140 <a href="@Model.Link" class="e-product-price h3 mb-0 mt-0"> 141 @Model.Price.Formatted 142 </a> 143 } 144 <small class="d-block text-muted">@Translate("eCom - Product - Ex VAT - Text", "ex. moms")</small> 145 } 146 else 147 { 148 if (hasB2cAmoutnDiscount) 149 { 150 <span class="text-dark h3"> 151 @priceWhenDiscounted.Format() <span>v/ @Model.Discount.ProductQuantity stk.</span> 152 </span> 153 } 154 else 155 { 156 <a href="@Model.Link" class="e-product-price text-dark h3 mb-0 mt-0"> 157 @Model.Price.Formatted 158 </a> 159 } 160 } 161 </span> 162 </p> 163 @if (Model.IsStoreOnly == false && Model.CanPurchaseByContext) 164 { 165 if (Model.Stock.Quantity > 0) 166 { 167 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView("ecom/product/partials/add-to-cart.cshtml", Model) 168 } 169 else 170 { 171 if (Model.Stock.State != null) 172 { 173 <div class="d-flex align-items-center"> 174 <span class="bg-danger product-stock-status">&nbsp;</span> 175 @Model.Stock.State 176 </div> 177 } 178 } 179 } 180 </div> 181 </div> 182 </div> 183 </div> 184 </div> 185
Alle priser er inkl. moms

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